A fact is
not a fact because you
say it is. A fact's a fact because
it is what it is. And
that's a fact.
Somehow this poem came to me a few days ago. I was thinking about this newsletter, about storytelling, and about independent journalism. Somehow, somewhere along the way, independent journalism was judged by the way it dealt with different opinions. It was judged by the amount of seconds or millimeters it spent on what was called “both sides of the stories”. Or, in other words, alternative facts. This, in my opinion, is nonsense. Of course, I am all for freedom of speech, and people are entitled to their opinions. But independent journalism is not about that. Newsletters like this are about sharing opinions. Independent journalism is about objectively reporting the facts.
There’s a huge journalistic institution that lost its way a few years ago. They bowed to pressure and drifted from objective reporting to spending equal amounts of time to two sides of a very divisive story. Because of that, the lies that one side told were legitimized. And became truths to some. Even though, they were opinions.
Let’s not forget, that however important it is that people are free to voice their opinion, opinions should never be confused with facts.
And that’s my opinion.
In the photo above you can see the Acropolis in Athens. At the foot of that hill, Socrates was asking his questions. Always ask questions. Keep digging. And keep talking to the other. Find out what the other thinks, and together find out what is true.
Have a great weekend.
Visit the Acropolis, and 26 other beautiful places in Europe. Buy my poetry ebook Thinking of Europe, and take a journey through our wonderful continent.
So very true, Arjan. Facts & opinions are different. And freedom of speech doesn’t mean someone is free to denigrate another human. Although people forget that. It’s been sad to watch the whittling away of independent journalism, where a media mogul can influence headlines, bylines, content & thought. Thanks for some thought inspiring words 🙂