In this chapter of our podcast, we speak again with Raffaella Ferretti. You have met her before, in Chapter 11. This time we talk about her role as an editor and what editing can mean for your work. Then the conversation takes a turn, and we land on deep connections between poets. Listen now:
Raffaella is starting a substack about editing, titled Our Editing Lab. Subscribe and find editing advice in your inbox soon:
I ran a poetry publication on Medium which focused on the tritriplicata form I created. Michael Hall was so generous to write a few poems there. Like Culture Vultures and Cooley High. But there was much more. Check all his work out on his landing page.
The picture that is used for the show art of this chapter is a bit of a militant one. It’s inspired by the aforementioned poem Culture Vultures. Michael was using his voice to support the Black Lives Matter movement.
I love this newsletter; thank you so much, Arjan! The relevance and uniqueness of Michael 's voice among poets and artists is undeniable and cannot be forgotten.