In our tree,
a bird sings her song. A
rather monotonous one, I think.
Our dog joins in. Now, it's
a duet.
You know these days when nothing seems to happen, and you find joy in the silliest of things? Well, this period, when we slowly return from the big yearly break and will start to get back into routines again, is going to be joyfully decorated with moments like that. Grasp them, enjoy them. Happiness does not always come from the big things.
Now for something completely different, and to me absolutely not a small thing. I welcomed the first paid subscriber to this magazine this week! I am very proud of that. If you become a paid subscriber, you get some gifts, plus you can help me decide which poet to feature in this magazine. I will open up the first section to other poets, and my paid subscribers get the power to propose and vote on who that poet will be. You can find the paid subscriber plans by clicking the button below.
Poetics in life
Imposter syndrome is real. Many artists I know (online) have it to some degree. It is when you do not believe enough in your own abilities because you measure yourself against the top performers in your category. It’s easy to do. I am not good at football, because I do not have the same skills as Messi. Something like that.
The monument pictured is for Jacob and Willem Maris, two 19th-century Dutch painters. Their works were well received, and several streets and rooms in public buildings are named after them. Still, this monument has to state that they were painters “worthy of the country of Rembrandt”. If you have to say it, you don’t believe it yourself. Still, you are worthy. They were Jacob and Willem Maris. They created beautiful art that was in demand. They did not need to be compared to Rembrandt. It’s a useless comparison.
Do you know why this is useless? You have your own capabilities. We are not meant to all be “the best”. “The best” is just a matter of definition. We are meant to be the best we can be. That is all we can control. I might not be a Dante, a Shakespeare or a Stiles, but I have all of you, my wonderful and amazing subscribers. And I am very happy with and grateful for that.
Thank you for being here. Be the best you.
You can now support your inbox poetry magazine by taking a paid subscription. If you do, you have a chance to win digital art, but also get some wonderful perks. Like helping me decide which poets to feature here. And a free ebook. Push this button now:
Poetry elsewhere
Some places have such a character of their own, that they become a breeding ground for global talent. Maybe because of their fantasticness, maybe due to their lack of glitter and glamour. And maybe because of… well, read this poem about Liverpool by
and imagine it yourself:Do you love wholeheartedly? I believe that if you really do, it will be mirrored. The poem you love by the poet known as Gomp_art is a wonderful way of describing that. Experience and collect you love here.
Do you love yourself enough? There is of course that cliche that says “you can’t love anybody until you love yourself”. The problem with cliches is that there’s truth in them. This beautiful poem by
explores that cliche and finds an answer in an earthworm. Or at least, I think the earthworm can be the answer. Read for yourself:
The little duet poem is perfectly parsed and appropriately sparse.