Welcome to the first newsletter of The Ripple Effect. Thank you very much for reading. In this issue, we will have a focus on how to deal with a pandemic that is taking hold of our planet. There are many experts and scientists weighing in on how governments should act. I trust them and don’t want to get in their way. The focus here will be on some of the things you will notice in your daily lives.

Poetry Matters
Poets and their poems might seem like some fancy-schmancy stuff in times of crises to some. I don’t agree. We all need two things in these times, that are not often talked about in the media: a little bit of spirit-lifting, and hints on how to make sense of it all. I have seen creative people putting their thoughts into art forms, to give people perspectives of others. Poets are certainly doing so in great numbers. As a member of the Poets on Medium group, I have a favorite publication, of course. Head over there to find some wonderful poems that help you wrap your brains around the big event that is hitting so many of us, find experiences and emotions that are familiar but hard to express, and also find a smile here and there. Because a smile is something we all really can use in these times. This is, by the way, also the topic of the second episode of my podcast Tripple Effect - The Show, which you can listen to on anchor.fm and 6 other platforms, including Spotify.
Tripple Effect - The Show
Care For Those Who Care and Can’t
Sounds a bit cryptic, right? Well, you’ve seen the video’s doing their rounds on social and mainstream media. People singing songs, applauding and so on. It’s a nice gesture. Maybe a sign of solidarity, even. Something we need a lot of, now. But on the other hand, in so many countries, shop shelves are cleared out, their contents being moved to cellars, larders and other stock rooms in homes. Mostly of those who can afford it or have the time. Not everybody is in that position. That’s why I would like to call on you to look around you. Is there someone who needs a bit of assistance. Someone who is in a medical profession and putting her- or himself in harm’s way to help others, and therefore only finds empty shelves when they finally have time to shop? Or is there someone who is sick, old, lonely that can use a little help. Reach out. Help with shopping, offer one of those ten bags of pasta from your stash, call them, write them a card. Maybe you are a landlord, and have some tenants who you know are struggling now. There are some landlords that have told their tenants they will not be expecting rent this month. Do something nice, even if it is just one thing.
Link: Who Gloats About Hoarding…
Do What You Do Best
My friend Meena, a lady I know from OpenIDEO, a community of open innovators for social good, was quick to spread a document on which people can indicate whether they can offer help or need assistance. Quick, low-tech, effective. This is what she does best. See what it looks on her Insta, and get full document to copy and use here.
Another friend, HR Wizard Anke, is an HR consultant, offering help to small and medium enterprises to deal with all that comes on the plates of HR professionals in The Netherlands. This week with no obligations to buy her services. She even launched a podcast in which she shares tips and guides people to prepare their businesses. It’s in Dutch, so if you are in The Netherlands, it could be valuable for you.
Obviously, I also chimed in a little bit. I taught a yoga teacher and self-professed “digibeet”, which is Dutch for somebody who does not understand digital technology, how to use Google Hangouts so she will now be able to continue her classes. That helps her students, and she does not have to kill her business.
These are just some examples. But it goes to show, that you might be able to help someone with your unique skill set. Do what you do best.
Offer/Need Help Ticket
HR in tijden van corona podcast
Call for Ideas
I mentioned OpenIDEO before. The platform and community is amazing. It’s also a source of brilliant ideas, open to use for anybody. Now they have this message:
The COVID-19 Communication Inspiration Challenge
COVID-19 is changing the lives of people and communities around the world each second. The rapidness of the outbreak has left individuals and organizations alike grasping for information and actions that can be taken to stay safe and healthy in completely new and uncertain circumstances.
IDEO, a global design company, is currently coordinating with global response authorities who want to make sure people have actionable, relevant information around COVID-19. They ask for ten minutes of your time to share your COVID-19 experience so far, specifically regarding information and inspiration you have seen around the COVID-19 outbreak that has helped you change your behavior and make new decisions.
This is a 24-hour sprint! This Challenge will be open until March 31, but, if you are able, the aim is to receive as many posts as possible by 9am PST on March 19.
A Bit Of Inspitainment
While typing, I inventend that word. Probably someone else has done that before me. What I mean is a thing that is inspiring and entertaining at the same time. Sounds complex? Well, think TED Talk. Like this one:
Thank you for reading. Stay safe, stay sane, read poetry.
With all my words of love,