Adopt those who need it
Let’s start with a sweet story, as kindness is rearing its lovely head in places all over the globe. This story is from Albania. The capital Tirana was hit by an earthquake in 2019, and many people still live in temporary shelters. An added challenge during this corona-crisis. The city reached out to young people to adopt a grandparent. And they did.
And here's an initiative I am taking part in myself. Our regional library system is organising courses for those who are low skilled in using tech or the Dutch language. The target audience, mostly elderly, disabled or refugees, need to be upskilled in video-calling, online shopping and social media. Especially the vulnerable who are in self-isolation need these skills more than ever. Next week the program starts, and I am one of many volunteers offering support by phone. So, if you know somebody in the Groene Hart area in The Netherlands who could use some help, find the info on Facebook.
Adopt A Grandparent in Tirana
Digitaal in contact
Innovation accelerates
In the UK, as in many countries, there's an open call for testing methods to be quickly developed. Obviously, many companies and institutions are scrambling to find a vaccine. Here's the link to the testing call from the UK.
While the Formula 1 team of Ferrari is using their design and production capabilities to 3D-print respirators at scale, students in New York are going low-tech with a face shield designed to be made from easily available and low-cost materials, with the possibility of super quick assembly.
Ferrari F1 Respirators
Open Source Face Shield
Stupid Poetry
There's this corner on the internets, where you can find a funny brand of poetry. It's called Stupid Poetry. Thanks to a poet I added to my publication on Medium, I found this corner, and I like dropping by for some laughs. Have a look, start with my own poem, an Ode to Spring.
How well will we respond to this crisis, once it's over? In 1953 The Netherlands was hit by a storm. Large parts of the country flooded, an many people lost their lives. A disaster. From how my country responded, we can take the lead this time, too. Look how the Dutch are able to live below sea level: