You can't miss
these purple flowers on
Alpine mountain sides, where the tree line
is so much closer than
sea level.
Growing up below sea level, the tree line - that demarcation of altitude where trees can no longer grow - was a mystical thing to me. I understood the concept, but it was hard to imagine how it looked.
Since then, I’ve visited the mountains several times and even walked around that tree-line-altitude. There are many things that are symbols for this concept, but to me, these purple flowers are the ones that signal that altitude to me more than most other things. Sure, they can be found at lower levels as well, but around 2000 meters up in the Alps, they are quite abundant. These flowers, known as fireweed and Saint Anthony’s laurel, symbolise high-altitude vacation to me.
Do you have things that symbolise fun experiences to you? Let me know in the comments.
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Poetics in life
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Poetry elsewhere
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Loved the photo with today's poem!
Thank you for the mention, Arjan!