There’s this video, somewhere on the web. It’s one of those things where people try to find an easy target and hit it. Over and over again. I admit. I laughed. Oh, how strange and blunt that German sounds. Compare the word butterfly in French, Spanish and German. And you’ll know. Or don’t you. Of course it’s easy to make a joke work. Just add a little love and glitter to what you want to sound nicely, and a bit of charicature to the thing you want to sound, well, not so nice. As I said, I laughed. The trick worked.
Then I lived in Germany for 4 years. Oh, quelle surprise, they don’t speak in that charicatural manner we have taught ourselves to believe they do. They are creative, and kind, and have a playfulness in the language that is so, well, endearing. So, next time you think of German, think of their word for butterfly.
Well, don’t think.
Piątek is Polish for Friday. So, Poetry Piątek means Poetry Friday. This is #7. If you like it, share it.
Do you know you can express your love for language and poetry in cups of coffee?