Summer shower
We're finding balance in a summer shower in your weekly dose of fresh poetry #150
Raindrops break
the surface creating
perfect circles in a much needed
replenishment of our
lake and park
It is, again, an extraordinarily hot summer in parts of Europe. And our local park shows it. The grass is dried out, the trees are shedding leaves early. So, when a few drops hit the surface of the lake, they were welcomed.
With more heat and less rain in our area, the balance is a bit off. And that makes it difficult. Balance is a great state. It helps us in many facets of life. The drops brought a bit of balance back, and that’s why they were welcome.
What part of your life is missing balance? And what will you need to bring that balance back? Go look for that, this week.
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If an image can tell a thousand words, what can a letter say? That balance is explored excitingly in this piece by the artist known as Sentient Shapes. I like how they mix poetry with snapshot-photography and painting/drawing. This multidisciplinarity results in exciting works. Like Got Beef. Experience and collect here.
In love we not only find balance, but also need balance to make it last. These two poems reflect that in their own unique, fantastic manner. The first one is a collaboration between Ashwini Dodani and the artist known as Khadee. Their piece Eternity is a perfect balance between the art of drawing and the art of words. Experience and collect it here.
The other love poem that is exploring balance, is by the wonderful
and is titled Rediscovering The Flawed Beauty of Love:
It’s such a dry summer, isn’t it? We’re lucky up here to have had some rain in early July after a very dry June. Glad to hear you’re doing okay, Arjan 🙂