My name is Arjan. With two a's. It's a name quite common in The Netherlands, although the variation with one A and one e is better known, thanks to the success of star footballer Arjen Robben. I don't really mind when people mix the two up.
The funny thing is, in far-away India, there's a name that is quite similar and quite common, too. Arjun, or Arjoon. See how similar it is? Once the connections in my life crossed borders and ventured into places like India, I started to be called Arjun more often.
Now, some people might get offended when you misspell their name. Not me. When you call me Arjun, I feel connected. Connected to people I don't know in a far-away place. I like that feeling of being connected. We share something. A name people use to refer to us, and a name that has a meaning for our parents.
Fun fact: where my name, Arjan, comes from Adrianus and has, due to the black sands at the Adriatic coast where the name is said to have originated, a reference of “black” in it, the name Arjun comes from Arjuna, the son of a Hindu God, and has a reference of bright and shiny and… “white”.
How does your name connect you to people in places you've never been to?
A Poem To Go With That
When I was writing the lines above, a poem came to me. I caught it and am sharing it with you here:

The Language of Inspotainment
You may speak more languages than you realize. And it’s these languages that connect you to others. Languages of humanity, languages of empathy. Watch this beautiful TED talk and ask yourself what you have in common with the other.
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Arjan, the first time I came across your name, for a second I read it as Arjun too (The hero in the Sanskrit epic, Mahabharata). I am so inspired to know that you feel connected by this. Loved your poem, and the back story. :)