Spring has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere today, but a lot of people can’t go out to enjoy it. Further down, you’ll find some ideas to help them. In other news, we just wrapped up the first week of the partial lockdown we have in The Netherlands. Kids staying home, but classes in (distributed) session. Fun to be a teacher and a dad at the same time. How are things working out for you?
Innovative Power
I have seen several initiatives of people trying to organize innovation power to find ways of dealing with this global pandemic. The German government is doing a virtual hackathon this weekend. How cool is that. I went back to a familiar space, the OpenIDEO platform. I mentioned it in the previous issue, and their challenge turned out to be a treasure trove of awesome initiatives and ideas. There are platforms being built in support of local entrepreneurs that face bankruptcy, in places as different as Colorado Springs and Doetinchem.
Other things made me laugh and/or be in awe with people’s creativity. The remix of the remarks of a Belgian minister and a place where you can make an instruction poster for washing your hands based on the lyrics of your favorite song.
If you want to do something, but don’t know what, head to OpenIDEO for inspiration. Or maybe, you have an idea that you think others could use, too. I myself have copied an idea to implement it locally.
Wir vs Virus
Support the Springs
Kooplokaal DTC
Wash Your Lyrics
Creativity Helps!
In a crisis, people find their creative sparks. It’s incredible. From the Instagram hashtag #creativecorona, to a challenge by the Ashmolean Museum. Many thanks to my friend Ana Canhoto, who told me about that last one. People use creativity as a coping mechanism. Have you been creative? Maybe just start by doing those coloring pictures with your kids, and then sending them to people who are lonely locked away in their (care)homes, because going outside could prove to be suicidal. There’s an initiative for that, too. I have posted a challenge to my insta account for the Green Heart region in The Netherlands. Take a picture of spring, share it on insta, print it, write a nice note on it, and stick it in the letterbox of someone in your neighbourhood that could use a bit of cheering up.
Here’s the original call from the Ashmolean Museum:

Ashmolean Musuem on Twitter
Alphen Kleurt
#IGHLente2020 by @instagroenehart
A reason to dance
Remember Kid President? He inspired the world back in 2012/2013 or so. And he has what we all need: a peptalk. For you. It’s a 7 year old video, but it still contains some eternal truths. Like “it’s everybody’s duty to give the world a reason to dance”. So, get it to :)