Today's run
did not go as I hoped.
But I won't throw away my shoes just
yet. I will try again
Some days are simply not as good as others. We all have that. And to be honest, they may be good days, just not for the activity you chose to do that day. I had that the other day. I went running. And it was terrible. It was simply not my day for running.
I went home, did some other stuff and tried again another day. That day was much better for running. For me.
Went something does not go as planned, or expected, or hoped, don’t give up. Let it go for a day, and try again tomorrow. Or the day after. You’ll see. It helps.
PS: the image above is created with an AI generator. It’s a running shoe hanging on a willow tree. If you are quitting something, you can say in the Netherlands you hang your equipment in the willows. For example, if you are quitting playing the guitar, you can say “I hang my guitar in the willows”.
Something to listen to
If you prefer, you can also listen to the poem above:
Where is home? It’s a good question posed in this poem by Rufo Quintavalle. It gets an extra dimension if you also look at the video:
And of course, you can listen to our September playlist:
Poetry elsewhere
Friendship. It certainly is something valuable when you’re having an off-day. It’s like… well, Maral Malic says it very well in this poem Friendship.
Some poets know how to write things that are at once familiar and unexpected. If such a poet also is great at creating a scene, so that when you read their work, it is as if you are there, in that other world, you know you have found a gem. For me, Joe Triton is such a poet. I always feel like I am in the place he writes about. Enjoy the trip with his poem Rapprochment and savour that last sentence.
Raymond Maxwell’s poem are political. They make you feel uneasy. They make you think. You don’t have to agree with the visible layer, but the underlying questions are good ones to ask yourself any time. Please enjoy now fading memories:
Beautiful AI art! And a great poem too, of course. A simple message - never give up. 😀