Moving quickly from A
to B. Buskers, prophets, closing doors
buzzers: they all tickle
my fernweh
Places that are not here attract. The Germans have a beautiful word for that: Fernweh. The hurt one feels for wanting to be far away. As a curious person, I like to be away. Far, or near. I like that I live in a place, even a country, that I did not grow up in. But I like to visit new places, too. Not just out of curiosity, or the longing to discover a new place, and with it new things about myself. Also because of the journey that gets me there. To me, a journey on the local train and the metro is a great way to soothe that ache for being someplace else. The people, the sounds, the underground tunnels connecting one line to the next. I love it. I wrote this poem on a recent trip to Paris. I also put it to a soundscape of sounds picked up in the metro recently. Press play below:
Do you like to travel? For the journey or the destination? Or both?
PS: the poem on top is a tritriplicata, a poetic form I created. If you want to know more about it, click here to find answers to some of the questions you might have.
Poetry Elsewhere
When I tried to publish only on Medium for about a year, I joined a wonderful band of poets called The POM. This group felt like a family, which was in no small way thanks to the founder Christina M. Ward. She’s a poet who inspired a large group of other poets to connect and help each other. Now, she has recently published 2 new poetry collections: Fireflies and Verse by Candlelight. You can get them on Amazon. Treat yourself. For a partial preview: see below. And don’t forget to follow Christina on Medium or Twitter.
#BTLP Update
My head, especially while running, is still overflowing with ideas on how to make my #BTLP, Bigger Than Life Project, work. Or, how to start making it work. A big part of it is about providing a stage for other poets. I’m very careful not to share their words here without proper compensation, which I think they all deserve. So, if you just look at the previous section, you’ll get a glimpse of where I would like my #BTLP to go: helping other poets earn a living. For now, I will highlight books of other poets you can buy.
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Oh, and don’t forget, you can also still buy my book if you so wish. I recommend it, click the button below:
Have you already listened to the octoberffct playlist? I’m testing this service for my readers: a curated playlist each month to get your creative juices flowing or build a bubble for you to enjoy a good book. So: grab your book, light your fires (fireplace, candles, reading lights) and press play:
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I love your reading with the sound effects. A wonderful poem!