I so appreciate the mention Arjan! And to me a minor favourite and perhaps unlikely choice of poem to link to, but it certainly does fit your theme and the idea of traveling to other places.
I really like how you often look at a painting and share what you see in your poems. But this one somehow really appealed to me. Also because I really like the quirkiness of curling. A sport I don't really understand, but that always intrigues me. And, of course, I just loved the poem.
Fernweh! I work for an airline, and a few years ago, by manager wrote this one piece of paper and taped it to her door. No explanation, no context. It was fantastic.
Thank you for linking to my poem, Arjan. I appreciate your observations on homesickness and travel. I have too much of one and not enough of the other!
Honfleur is a lovely town. It inspired me to write about it. https://westonpparker.substack.com/p/honfleur-harbor
Oh, thanks for sharing. Great to see what you created when inspired by this lovely old port.
It really is a beautiful old gal.
I so appreciate the mention Arjan! And to me a minor favourite and perhaps unlikely choice of poem to link to, but it certainly does fit your theme and the idea of traveling to other places.
I really like how you often look at a painting and share what you see in your poems. But this one somehow really appealed to me. Also because I really like the quirkiness of curling. A sport I don't really understand, but that always intrigues me. And, of course, I just loved the poem.
Lovely poem Arjan, I think I suffer from fernweh a lot!
Oh, and a place near me that you would love to travel to is Pondicherry. Great vibes. I wrote about it here: https://hellouniverse.substack.com/p/food-trip
Well, I think Fernweh can be a nice thing to suffer from. I have it, too.
Pondicherry. I have always liked that name. Will read your post (still have a big backlog, sorry) and will add it to my list. Pondicherry.
The locals like to call it Pudducherry. An even more likeable name haha! Take that backlog easy.
Fernweh! I work for an airline, and a few years ago, by manager wrote this one piece of paper and taped it to her door. No explanation, no context. It was fantastic.
It's a great term to have painted big on walls of airline offices.
Thanks for sharing this story. Loved it.
Thank you for linking to my poem, Arjan. I appreciate your observations on homesickness and travel. I have too much of one and not enough of the other!
Of course, Paul. Loved the poem.
And if you have too much of one and not enough of the other, it kinda sounds like a balance that at the very least keeps your mind at ease.
I can live with the tension!