Paper meets
pen, ink fractalizing
into the fibers. Words take their shape,
fresh threads woven into
New technology fascinates me. I like figuring out what it means, how it can be used, or just simply playing with it. That is why I’m diving deep into the world of blockchain and AI. It’s interesting and it’s fun. And it’s so much more than you hear about it in the news.
On the other hand, there are some old technologies that also still fascinate. Like my writing with a fountain pen on paper. Seeing the ink flow and take shape. Or just leaving the pen there on the paper and seeing the ink find its way through the fibres the paper is made of.
What invention of long ago keeps fascinating you?
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Poetics of life
Inspiration is everywhere. You just have to look. Now and then, I share a creativity prompt. Mostly for poetry, but any art is welcome. It’s not just that inspiration is everywhere, but you are also more creative than you think. All you need is to just start creating. The first thing does not have to be the final thing. Anyway, my last prompt was a picture of a fox, and Linda made this of it:
Talking about what inspires you can also help. You, and others. In a poetry meetup on Twitter - the young people refer to those as ‘spaces’ - some wonderful poets recently shared the poem that got them into loving poetry. It was delightful, but I also felt a bit, or actually a lot, outclassed. They all had great stories about great poems. For me, the path was a bit less high brow. And when I gave that some thought, I realised, that is okay. It does not make me a better or worse poet than the others. Just one with a different path. Don’t compare yourself to others. That’s the message. Others have their path, you have yours. Now, what got me into poetry was…. pop songs. Music. Rap and hip hop mostly. Yes, that Public Enemy song you can hear in that Spike Lee movie. But maybe more in line with my caring and less militant side, that amazing tune by Arrested Development. Maybe it makes you think. Maybe it inspires you to buy a homeless person something to eat next time you see one. I sometimes do.
Poetry elsewhere
Poems of migration, poems that include more than one language: they are like my life. And when they’re handwritten poems minted as NFTs, I love it. Especially well-written ones like this one by MS Bourland. Enjoy reading ad·vent.
James writes amazing sonnets and in each one there’s a phrase only he can write. His images are strong and sometimes I really have to fight to start understanding his work, but it always grips me. This one is a bit more direct. A travel poem, in a way. Enjoy reading Sonnet XXXIV by James Maynard:
Inspiration can be found in memories and the missing. Kristen Lenea Ryberg writes beautiful poems and is currently working on her Catalogue of Missing. This poem, TRIGGER PLAY is certainly worth the read. Please also listen to the audio version.
Thank you Arjun!! for sharing my Trigger Play poem, you are the best audience :) and I loved the A. D. Mr. Wendal video. Yes, important lyrics delivered with an open hand regarding humanity, art can get through when little else can, boy do we need it. hugs, K
That Arrested Development song is one of my favourites! I had their cd and played it on repeat for several years. Thanks for reminding me of it 💖