Lilija Valis attempts to release what is hidden, not talked about, even denied, the spirit that directs life on this planet, the search to belong and to be free.
Once upon a time, I discovered I had many voices in my head and I needed a place to put them—then Substack came along.
"To suggest is to create, to name is to destroy." —Stéphane Mallarmé
The exception to the "only poetry" rule. Voisegram delivers bedtime stories to your inbox. Great ones. And they help bring stories to children in adversity. Get stories and support this project!
Come in for a crafted weekly poetry intermission, an offered sensory walk and possible recognition of something inside you... don't mind my screen door, sometimes it bangs!
Joe takes you to places you might not know, and tells you all about them in an engaging and beautiful way. Poetry that I'm always happy to find in my inbox.